All TM Essentials products comply with the applicable legislation for the products TM Essentials brings into distribution. This can be EU or national legislation. Test reports or the technical files of a specific article are available to the customers of TM Essentials, on reasonable request.
The products of TM Essentials are in compliance with all the Toy Safety Standard and other legislation. Besides the product compliance, the policy of TM Essentials BV is that all our products shall be made in lawful, fair, safe and healthy working conditions. To ensure our suppliers meet these requirements, we only prefer to do business with production facilities that have an acknowledge social certification program, such as ICTI or BSCI.
As part of TM Essentials BV policy to meet social, ecological, and economic rights of present and future generations we take part in the Forest Stewardship Council A.C. (FSC) Chain of Custody. It helps consumers to make responsible choices. Between the forest and the final consumer, forest products may undergo many stages of processing, transformation, manufacturing and distribution.

BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative) is the common European platform of retailers, industry and importing companies for monitoring and improving social standards in supplier countries for all consumer goods. It is based on the labor standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and other important international regulations like the UN Charter for Human Rights, as well as on national regulations.

ICTI (The International Council of Toy Industries), an association of associations, is committed on behalf of its member companies to the operation of toy factories in a lawful, safe, and healthy manner. It upholds the principles that no underage, forced or prison labour shall be employed; that no one is denied a job because of gender, ethnic origin, religion, affiliation or association, and that factories comply with laws protecting the environment.

FSC Chain of Custody certification verifies that FSC certified material is identified or kept segregated from non-certified or non-controlled material through this chain. FSC Chain of Custody certification allows companies to label their FSC products, which in turn enables consumers to identify and choose products that support responsible forest management. Mixing of FSC certified and non-certified products must be done under controlled procedures that meet the FSC Chain of Custody requirements. Being FSC certified shows that you comply with the highest social and environmental standards on the market.